Editor’s Notebook: Glasgow Skye/ Bobby’s Uniform/ Aberdeen Piping Club/ Bill Caudill/ New Books

That’s the spirit! In these gloomy times yesterday’s news that Glasgow Skye are back was just the lift the pipe band community needed. We’ve lost far too many bands over the years. Just look at the lists in Alistair Aitken’s article, also yesterday. Even in recent times we all know bands that have lost sponsorship or a pipe major or fallen out with the drum corps and bingo, they’re history….

George Sherriff Amateur Results

Bob Worrall: Here are the results from this past Saturday, 19/11/22, at the 26th Annual George Sherriff Invitational. It was a great day at St Paul’s Presbyterian Church in Hamilton, Ontario. with a terrific audience turn out for all three events. There was a clean sweep in all disciplines from Callum Bevan from British Columbia who among many other prizes won a set of pipes from McCallum Bagpipes and a set…

’70s Tribute Band Appeal for Help on Edinburgh Police Medleys/ Florida Pipe & Drum Academy Registrations Open

The 1970s Tribute Pipe Band is in the process of recreating the Edinburgh City Police Pipe Band medleys from the early 1970s, writes Ken Stewart. Fortunately we have been able to get the pipe and drum scores for their prize winning performances of the ’70s. ECPPB had their own unique playing style so we would be grateful to anyone who could perhaps assist with audio recordings of either the 1971 or 1972 medley…

Editor’s Notebook: Ivory Pipes/ Florence’s Funeral/ NZ Visit/ Kinross Piping Initiative

The issue of ivory pipes looms large again after recent legislation by the UK Government. Pipes that are pre-1975 can still be bought and sold but only because they contain less than 20% ivory. To trade legitimately in them, however, you must register the pipes with the government. The new legislation states: ‘You cannot deal in items containing or made of elephant ivory, unless they are registered as exempt or…

John MacFadyen on the Art of Judging – Part 3

We continue the recording of John MacFadyen talking about judging. We are once again grateful to reader Jack McLachlan for forwarding the recording made by John Davidson, Parkview, Johannesburg, at his home on 12th August 1973. At the beginning of this part of the recording Mr Davidson mentions some of the well-known worthies of southern African piping of the time, John Farmer, Cyril Hall (Rhodesia/ Zimbabwe) and Nick Kinsey. John…