New Amateur Contests for England/ Edinburgh School Drum Tutor Wanted

My RSPBA ranch (London & South of England) has always offered solo contests alongside pipe band events, writes Jackie Allan. It is a means of bringing together the scattered piping (and drumming) community in our very large region. Last year we trialled the CLASP system for amateur solo pipers, with the intention of creating a more level playing field for the pipers, and a better pathway for personal development.  Following talks…

More on the Remarkable Vic Herman/ Cupar Pipe Band

Eighteen months ago we ran an interesting story on Victor Herman, boxer, painter, piper. Vic learned the pipes in the Jewish Lads Boys Brigade in Glasgow. When he found fame with the gloves he would pipe himself into the ring. He loved his piping and when he discovered another talent as a painter, set about creating images of our master pipers of old in oils. Reader Peter Candy takes up…

Editor’s Notebook: Dollar Contest/ Lochaber Piping Society/ Cupar PB/ EUSPBA Rankings

I hear that Dollar Academy are once more running their popular and successful pipe band contest at the end of May. All grades and D/Ms are catered for I believe. Ample and picturesque grounds at the foot of the Ochils make a perfect setting for such an event. Reasonably easy to get to, the contest always attracts a large entry. If I were running the RSPBA I’d be on the…

Draw for Archie Kenneth Quaich/ Police Scotland Seek Leading Drummer

The Archie Kenneth Quaich is the top prize for amateur piobaireachd players. It is run by the Music Committee of the Piobaireachd Society. The competition takes place at the rooms of the Royal Scottish Pipers’ Society in Edinburgh on February 22nd. The competition is fully subscribed. The judges are PS committee members Derek Fraser and Darach Urquhart. Here is the order of play: 1  Thomson McConnell2  Donald Morrison3  Stewart Allan4…

More Comment on Decline of the Pipe Band Movement

These are perilous times for the pipe band movement which, as the editor states, is in something of a decline. But more than that, the RSPBA has once again demonstrated that it is incapable of preventing it, despite the role of the governing body being to oversee the flourishing of our cultural pastime. By A Special Correspondent Over many years, we have seen those all too keen to put the…