Braemar Gathering Results – Updated with Comment, Pictures and Juniors

The final major Highland games of the summer was held in dry, overcast, but warm conditions. There were changes at the piobaireachd board with a new canopy and screen. This helped greatly in reducing extraneous noise and unwanted breezes. One minor hiccup came when Jamie Forrester put a brogue through a rotted plank on the platform. Luckily he was still tuning. It was the only foot he put wrong in…

How to Maximise the Commercial Potential of the World Pipe Band Championship Grade 1

Following our recent articles on the Worlds 2022, these social media responses are worth repeating. The first is from from reader Mark Christy: In past years I too was annoyed by the inability to hear the Grade 1 bands. Indeed the free seat location was far better than the paid seat. The RSPBA should have a study of the professional production down the road. At the Edinburgh Tattoo it’s all…

Why I Won’t Sit in the Stands at the Worlds Again

Fistly I want to say thanks to Alistair Aitken for his reports from the 2022 Worlds. They are always respectful, well researched and authoritative. I was interested in his comment: ‘Perhaps strangely, most of the spectators preferred to stand or sit around the competing band arenas.’ By Iain White I can give some personal insight. I have attended the Worlds for as long as I can remember with my two…

Editor’s Notebook: The Worlds, The Worlds, The Worlds

A few more thoughts from the Green. I must respectfully take issue with one aspect of Alistair Aitken’s excellent article of a couple of weeks ago. He wrote: ‘… of the main reasons for pipe bands traditionally competing in a circle as the original thinking all these years ago was that the circle contains and balances the sounds much better.‘ I am not sure there was ever any trial done…

Argyllshire Gathering at Oban Enjoys a Successful Two Days of Competition

What a jovial, jubilant, just brilliant return to form by the Argyllshire Gathering. The first major solo piping event for three years was a triumph in every sense and just reward for the stewards for their determination and ‘can do’ attitude throughout the pandemic years. They refused to allow it to halt their 150th Anniversary celebrations last year, putting on reduced events to keep the music going. By the Editor…