Book of Tunes by Donald Morrison Re-Issued in Digital Format

Thirty five years ago Donald Morrison, the Champion PIper and noted composer, compiled a book of tunes. It was never properly marketed and when Donald died in 1988 interest in it lapsed. Recent correspondence with his daughter Sheona MacDonald and Piping Press editor Robert Wallace led to its being re-compiled in digital format and it is now offered to the public as an e-book. Sheona said: ‘I am delighted with…

Piping in WW2: Heroes of the Scottish Pipers’ Association

The second excerpt from Jeannie Campbell’s history of piping 1939-1945 which first appeared in Pipe Band magazine in 2007……. During the war years the Scottish Pipers’ Association continued to meet in Glasgow and to run their amateur/juvenile competitions. At the beginning of the War, Malcolm MacLean Currie was the Association Secretary. The full committee is pictured above in 1936. Malcolm Currie had served during the First World War as P/M…

A Tune from James Duncan Mackenzie/ Jimmy McIntosh Scholarship Details

We asked Lewis-based James Duncan Mackenzie if he would be prepared to play something from his new book for us. We were delighted to receive the following video of James, an expert piper, playing the first tune in the book, the 2/4 march, Katie Mackenzie of Dingwall. We hope you enjoy this exclusive for PP readers and thank you James and Katie: The ‘James Duncan Mackenzie Collection’ features 52 pipe…

Piper Eilidh’s Trust Helps Youth Music Groups Bounce Back from Pandemic

Youth music groups across Scotland grappling with the continued effects of the pandemic have been awarded funding to support their safe return to teaching by the charity set up in memory of Manchester Arena victim, piper Eilidh MacLeod. The bodies benefiting include the Lewis and Harris Piping Society, Mallaig and Ardnamurchan Pipe Band and Castlebay School Pipe Band. The money is for local youth music initiatives to safely return to…

Piping During WW2: Home and Abroad the Music Continued Regardless

The current hiatus in piping activity, more particularly in pipe band activity, has been likened to a similar fallow period during WW2. What was it like then? In this series piping historian Jeannie Campbell investigates and finds that there was much more going on than might be imagined…. Pipers took their traditions with them wherever they were stationed. A Highland Games was held on the North African shores of the…