P/M Tom MacLean, Strathendrick Pipe Band

Piping is full of unsung heroes. Teachers who work away in the background, neither getting nor asking for publicity, content to quietly do their bit for our music without fuss or favour. The passing of one such has been brought to our attention by respected RSPBA adjudicator and piping tutor Jim Semple, a Worlds winner on many occasions with Strathclyde Police Pipe Band.  Jim writes…’Today I found out that my…

Inveraray Games Results (Further Updates)

Overcast day at Argyll’s capital for the annual games. Contest for P/A, B and C grade pipers and the Piping Centre’s CLASP amateur league. Champion Piper Angus MacColl is pictured earlier in the season after his success at Blair Atholl. ‘A’ Piob 1 Angus MacColl Snr 2 Jonathan Greenlees 3 Sarah Muir 4 Connor Sinclair 5 Alasdair Henderson 6 Angus MacColl Jnr ‘A’ March 1 Angus MacColl Snr 2 Alasdair…

Successful Piping and Drumming Academy Held in South West Scotland

Andy McCartney reports…….. Friday 13th may be superstitious for a lot of people, but not for the families and friends of the youngsters who attended a week-long Summer School at SRUC Barony Campus near Dumfries. The South West of Scotland Piping and Drumming Academy (SWSPDA) had just completed its 5th Annual Summer School and this was the end-of-school concert. Thirty seven young pupils attended, and this was the time for them to…

Loch Lomond (Balloch) Highland Games – Results, Open/Juv./CLASP (updated)

Piping convenor Colina Helen Campbell has forwarded the full results from Saturday’s (July 14) piping competitions at Balloch on the shores of Loch Lomond. Mrs Campbell is pictured above with winners in the CLASP amateur league contests. Open Juv 14 and under March & S/R March 1 Bobby Allen 2 Fraser Hamilton 3 Calum Barton 4 Mark Morrison S/R 1.Bobby Allen 2.Fraser Hamilton 3.Calum Barton 4.Mark Morrison Open Juv 15-17…

PP Ed’s Blog: Big Games Week/ New PP Site/ Pipes Sold/ PM Angus pic

Big week of solo Highland games contests ahead. Would all secretaries, parents and pipers snap away and send us your shots. We now have an Instagram account so any that don’t make the main PP site can be posted there. Inveraray is tomorrow July 17, South Uist 18th, Benbecula Young Piper 19th, Tobermory 19th, 21st Tomintoul, Taynuilt, Lochearnhead, Inverness and North Uist. Isn’t that just tremendous? Thanks are due to all…