Review: ‘The Pipe Tunes of Pipe Major Alex M MacIver’

This recently published collection of tunes composed by the late P/M Alex M MacIver, has been compiled by one of his former pupils, namely Hector Russell. For those who may not be aware, Alex was Pipe Major of the renowned Glasgow 214th Company Boy’s Brigade Pipe Band. This band led by Alex during the 1950s, 60s and 70s dominated the juvenile pipe band scene winning countless championships as well as…

Piobaireachd by the Sea/ New P/M Post for Canadian Piper

Piobaireachd enthusiasts from Brittany and beyond (Holland, California) met for the 16th Pibroch en Bord de la Mer – Pibroch on the Seaside – held at Cancale on the beautiful Brittany coast. Brainchild of Jakez Pincet who came to Scotland in the 1960s to learn from R U Brown, it has successfully brought pibroch into the public eye, as well as giving players the chance to meet, to play and…

Bowhill Games Results/ Drum Tutor Wanted/ South West Scotland P&D Academy

Here are the results from the very first solo piping event at the recently rekindled Bowhill Highland Games where I am the new piping convenor, writes Greig Canning. The contest, held on September 11, had nine entries in the Piobaireachd and March, Strathspey and Reel contests and we held an impromptu Jig contest on the day too with just the one prize, a bottle of malt whisky to the winner….

1st Port Glasgow BB Pipe Band to Celebrate Winning World Juvenile Title 50 Years Ago

This year represents 50 years since 1st Port Glasgow BB became World Juvenile Pipe Band Champions. The band was also Champion of Champions that year.  Above is a photo of the winning band of 1972. It was taken in the BB Institute in Balfour Street, Port Glasgow, and shows the band in its new Anderson tartan kilts and tweed jackets. We did not have the kilts in the 1972 season…

Northern Ireland Round-Up: Belfast Tattoo/ Pipe Band College/ World Solo Drumming/ Blackthorn/ All Irelands

After two years absence, the Belfast International Tattoo finally returned on September 2nd and 3rd with three shows at the SSE Arena. The cancellation of the 2020 and 2021 shows placed many challenges at the door of the organisers. I was present on the Saturday night when there was a very good attendance and I understand that was the case across the other two shows. This has obviously encouraged the…