Pipe Band Magazine/ Archie Kenneth Quaich Amateur Piobaireachd

The autumn edition of Pipe Band Magazine will be available for free download this weekend. The magazine is the official publication of the Royal Scottish Pipe Band Association and is provided gratis as a service to the pipe band community worldwide. October’s features include: All the World Champions from Glasgow Green back in August Part 2 of an interview with adjudicator David Brown A historic look back at 70 years…

Iain Dall Young Pipers Festival

‘It is clear that local councils’ investment in providing tuition to young people in Scotland’s national instrument is creating a generation of fantastic pipers able to perform and compete to an extremely high standard,’ said Dr Decker Forest, judging the Iain Dall Young Pipers Festival at Gairloch on Saturday 23rd September. ‘This year’s competition featured excellent performances from some of the country’s best young pipers as well as local entrants,…

PP Ed’s Blog: Chris Terry/ P/M Andrew Donaldson’s Funeral/ Letter/ Lohheide Winter School/ Queensland/ FMM Bass Drummer

A lot of interest already in the Shasta Piping Society’s Piobaireachd Composing Competition. The organisers like to keep the panel international and this year it will comprise myself, Bill Livingstone and South African Chris Terry (pictured above). Chatting to Chris at Inverness he said he believed he held a rather unenviable record of being placed in the Gold Medal more times than anyone else without actually winning it. He got…

Glenfiddich Line Up and Judges Announced

The organisers of the annual Glenfiddich Piping Championship have sent this: 2017 COMPETITORS: Callum Beaumont, Glenn Brown, Cameron Drummond, Alasdair Henderson, Jack Lee, Angus MacColl, Ian K MacDonald, Roderick MacLeod, Iain Speirs, Craig Sutherland JUDGES PIOB: I MacFadyen, R MacShannon, J Taylor MSR: I Duncan, W Morrison, R Worrall MC: John Wilson [wds id=”3″]

PP Ed’s Blog: Fintan Lalor/ Andrew Donaldson (pix added)/ SG KO/ Florida/ Russian Tune Book

Joe Fitzpatrick from Dublin has sent these names from the above picture of the Fintan Lalor Pipe Band parading in Dublin in the 1960s. Joe writes: ‘In the front row are P/M Tim Keogh, Colum O’Brien, Liam Keogh and P/Sgt Tommy Moore. Middle row from the right are Anthony Fitzpatrick, not sure, Bisto Keogh;  Back – Paddy Leeh, Jimmy Hennessy and myself. The side drummer is Frank Saunders. Some names I…