HM The Queen Honours Piping Legend Iain MacFadyen

The piping world will be thrilled to learn that Iain MacFadyen, Kyle, has been awarded the British Empire Medal in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List, writes the Editor. Iain, 86, has achieved worldwide renown both as a player and as a teacher. His pupils have featured at all levels of prizelists for the past 60 years. He became one of the first school’s instructors in piping when, in 1974, he…

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A Short Review from the Atholl Gathering 2022

This year’s Atholl Gathering piping was run very efficiently with something for solo pipers at every level. The day started brightly but conditions deteriorated as the day went on with cloud, cold winds and rain showers. Nevertheless, everyone was glad to be back out at the Games again, though the weather quickly reminded us that a certain level of stoicism is required where the Scottish Highlands are concerned. By Robert…

Editor’s Notebook: Silver Chanter/ Piping Live/ British Championships/ Letters

For me the most significant announcement in the Piping Live press release yesterday was the news that the Silver Chanter recital/competition is to be moved back to its spiritual homeland on the island of Skye. This is something we have been campaigning for ever since the National Piping Centre took over the running of this showpiece event from cash-strapped Skye Piping Society in 2018. It was totally unsuited to Glasgow…

Why Is the March Strathspey and Reel Such a Chore for Pipe Bands These Days?

By Robert Wallace I am very grateful to Dr Jack Taylor for passing on to me a recording of a BBC radio programme from the 1970s. It features my old pipe major Bob Hardie and his band Muirhead and Sons. They had just completed their five Worlds titles in a row 1965 -69, a record for a civilian band yet to be broken, though Field Marshal came dashed close a…

Atholl Highlanders Pipes & Drums Mark Musical Succession At This Year’s Parade

Entries are now closed for one of the first Highland games of the summer at Blair Atholl on May 29. Pipers have topped sixty with double figures in all grades P/A, B and C. The day before the games….. This year’s Atholl Highlanders Parade at Blair Castle in Highland Perthshire marks the retirement of two very distinguished band members who hand over duties to two musical brothers. The Parade will see the…