was launched in 2014 and is a free, independent, not for profit web magazine with news, views, features and information from the piping and pipe band worlds. Email your news to editor@pipingpress.com or text 07957818672. Opinions expressed are those of the writer.
Very wet and cold with the odd dry spell. Champion Piper was Ben Duncan with a clean sweep in all senior events.Twelve played.
Piob 1 Ben Duncan, Rory MacLeod’s Lament 2 Eireann Ianetta-MacKay, Lament for the Iolaire 3 Matt Pantaleoni, Lament for MacSwan of Roaig 4 Mike Fitzhenry, Park Piobaireachd No2
March 1 Ben Duncan 2 Callum Wynd 3 Angus MacPhee 4 Mike Fitzhenry
S&R 1 Ben Duncan 2 Callum Wynd 3 Angus MacPhee 4 Mike Fitzhenry
Jig 1 Ben Duncan 2 Matt Pantaleoni 3 Angus MacPhee 4 Kyle Cameron
Junior MSR 1 Ewan Allan 2 Christopher Drummond 3 Lily Robertson 4 Hector Finlayson
Junior Piob 1 Hector Finlayson 2 Ewan Allan 3 Christopher Drummond 4 Lily Robertson
Local Junior March: Alexander Scott Judges: JD MacKenzie, N Matheson