Helensburgh Results

A professional indoor solo contest held today, July 14, in Helensburgh, on the Firth of Clyde, west of Glasgow. Piob: 1 Angus MacPhee 2 John MacDonald 3 Campbell Wilson 4 Callum WyndMarch: 1 Jamie Brownlie 2 Piers Dover 3 Cameron May 4 Callum WyndS&R: 1 Cameron May 2 Callum Wynd 3 Angus MacPhee 4 Jonathon Simpson Judges: B Donaldson, P Hunt, R Livingstone, W Morrison.

Inverness Games Results (updated)

A cool day, but well organised piping by Inverness Piping Society at the town’s 2024 Highland Games held at Bught Park today, July 13. Champion Piper was Sandy Cameron, Roy Bridge (pictured). Senior Piobaireachd (three tunes)1 Sandy Cameron £1252 Eireann Ianetta-MacKay £1003 Angus MacPhee £754 Calum Dunbar £55 Senior MSR (three M & S, own reel)1 Sandy Cameron £1002 Norman Gillies £803 David Stulpner £604 Louis Newman £40 Senior Hornpipe…

Editor’s Notebook: Worlds Tickets/ Ross’s Gig/ Inveraray Info/ King’s Tune/ Argyllshire Gathering 1974

Not to labour the point, but £38 for a seat in the stands at the Worlds? Add this to the £25 average you have to pay to get into the public space that is Glasgow Green and you are looking at an outlay of £63 per person for a Saturday at the Worlds 2024. Still it doesn’t seem to have deterred folk. From what I can gather, Block A is…

Information on Scottish and European Pipe Band Championships

The promoters, West Dunbartonshire Council, have issued the following information about the forthcoming Scottish Pipe Band Championships to be held at Levengrove Park, Dumbarton, on July 27. The council say, ‘We are expecting over 115 pipe bands from across the world to attend along with our popular Highland dancing competitions.  ‘Car parking is available along with mobile home parking. The event is free to enter and has a number of…

RSPBA Announce Draw for Worlds

The most popular event at the Worlds is the Grade 1 Medley on the Saturday. Here is the running order: 13:30 SLOT 13.42 SFU 14.06 Shotts 14.18 Inveraray 14.30 FMM 14.42 Fife Pol. 14.54 Closkelt 15.06 S Power 15.18 Dunedin 15.30 St Thomas 15.42 Johnstone 15.54 Boghall 16.06 78th Frasers 16.18 Police Fed. The running order for the Saturday MSR is as above. Get the full rundown of times and…