Results from Robert Burns Juniors, Dumfries

Results of the 17th Robert Burns Piping Contest 53rd September 2016, held in Dumfries Academy, Dumfries, supported by  South West Scotland Piping & Drumming Academy. Prizes were presented by Andy McCartney representing the South West Scotland Piping & Drumming Academy, the group who will now oversee the future of the Robert Burns Piping Contest as Sheila Howat is now stepping down after setting up and successfully growing the event for…

Blairgowrie Games Results

Warm and dry all morning; warm and torrential rain all afternoon. Open Piob 1 Ed McIllwaine, MacLeod of MacLeod Lament 2 Jonathan Greenlees 3 James McHattie 4 Jamie Troy Quaich: Ed McIllwaine Judge: C MacLellan Open March 1 Jamie Troy 2 Glen Ross 3 Ben Duncan 4 Andrew Donlon Open S&R 1 Ross Miller 2 Jonathon Simpson 3 Andrew Donlon 4 Jamie Troy Overall Champion Piper: Jamie Troy ‘B’ Piob…

PP Editor’s Blog: Belfast Tattoo/2017 band dates/ FMM Recording/ Police losses/ Poll

The grand finale of the Belfast Tattoo last weekend marked the Centenary of the Battle of the Somme.  The massed bands and dancers were joined in the arena by Royal British Legion standard bearers in a moving tribute to all of those men and boys, who selflessly gave their lives.  The evening concluded with the audience joining the bands in singing, ‘Keep the Home Fires Burning’, ‘It’s Long Way to Tipperary’ and ‘Auld…

PP Editor’s Blog: Poll/ Angus Nicol/ Willie Lawrie/ Shotts Contest/ Glenn’s Job

  [polldaddy poll=9503440] Don’t forget to offer your opinion on the Champion of Champions poll above. Now that Cowal is past, visitors might have a better idea of how the event could handle re-instituting the awards there. Still with the bands, a good letter today on the Worlds and Grade 1 players being allowed to play ‘down’. Correspondent Jim Johnson, like all those with any sense, believes the open circle…

William Grant & Sons Funding for Piping Events Under Review

The news that there is to be a reduction in the sponsorship of piping by Glenfiddich/ Wm Grant and Sons will be of concern to all our readers, writes the Editor. Rumours have been abroad for some time and now it seems the whispers have become fact. This company’s generosity towards our art is legion. They and their former Chairman Sandy Grant Gordon will forever have a place in the hearts…