Winter Storm Closing Concert and Weekend Review

With a sell out crowd achieved the day before, the venue was packed for the annual gala concert featuring celebrated soloists, mini bands, Highland dancers and all held together by Ken Eller, the long-standing master of ceremonies, writes our Special Correspondent. In a nice touch, the students of St Thomas Episcopal, from Houston, Texas, kicked off proceedings, led by former World Champion Drum Major, Jason Paguio of the SFU organisation….

Winter Storm – Full Results with wins for Sarah Muir, Alastair Lee, Grant Cassidy and Andrew Elliot

Our Special Correspondent reports: Cool running in chilly Kansas. With a record number of competitors, the event ran for around 12 hours, using multiple rooms, venues and facilities in the Winter Storm Campus. The judges were allocated across the lot and full marks to that crew for sticking at it through the day. They only have the Workshops and Gala Concert to worry about today. The blue ribbon events were taken…

PP Ed's Blog: Reflections on NZ/ Silver Medal Tunes/ SPA AGM/ Schools Trust Job

Reflecting on my recent visit to New Zealand I really must doff the bonnet to all those pipers who, over many years, have made the long trek to the Northern Hemisphere to compete at Oban and Inverness (and bands who get the cash and time together to do the same to compete at the Worlds). Only when you’ve done it do you really appreciate the commitment required – and it…

Piping at Waipu Highland Games, New Zealand, New Year's Day 2018

Waipu Highland Games on New Zealand’s North Island are 147 years old making them one the longest established on any continent, writes the Editor. The piping is very well run with good prize money. I judged the senior events with Stuart Finlayson. It was a pleasure to work with Stuart as it as was to meet up with Reid Maxwell of SFU who was over from Vancouver to do the…

Piping Press's Tartan Oscars for 2017 – Jack is our Piper of the Year

It’s that time of year again when we take a look back over the year and recognise the outstanding achievements – and some not so outstanding – in the piping and pipe band worlds. Before we get to that we would like to thank all of our advertisers and the thousands of readers who gave us 612,000+ views during the year. We would also like to thank those who supported…