South Africa’s ‘100 Guineas’ Solo Piping 2022 – Part 2

This was a good renaissance weekend of piping, in an excellent venue, with slick stewarding, and a somewhat larger audience than usual – all this helped to produce a sense that things are getting back on track at last after the pandemic.  Like me, I am sure the organisers, the Scottish Piping Society of Southern Africa, were particularly gratified that four of the competitors in ‘100 Guineas’ were quite well…

South Africa’s ‘Hundred Guineas’ Competition, 2022

South Africa’s pre-eminent solo piping competition took place in Johannesburg at St Benedict’s College over the weekend of 26 and 27 March 2022. On-line competitions have been a wonderful way of providing pipers and drummers with a competition outlet over the last couple of years. A major advantage of these contests has been the opportunity for pipers to compete, even on an international level, without leaving home – and several…