Glenurquhart Games Results

A big representation from Ontario on the banks of Loch Ness with Ian K MacDonald (above with winners’ trophy) emerging as Champion Piper. Nine pipers entered.

1 Ian K MacDonald, Lament for King George III
2 James MacHattie, Lament for Donald Duaghal MacKay
3 Andrew Hayes, Mrs MacLeod of Talisker’s Salute
4 Matt Pantaleoni, Old Men of the Shells

Judges Ian Duncan, DJ MacIntrye and John Ross

March: Andrew Hayes 2 Ian K MacDonald 3 Sean McKeown
S&R: 1 Sean McKeown 2 Andrew Hayes 3 Ian K MacDonald
Jig: 1 Ian K MacDonald 2 Andrew Hayes 3 Chris McLeish

Judges: I Duncan, DJ McIntyre, J Ross

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