A blustery day in picturesque Perthshire. Ten competed in the seniors. Judges reported an outstanding standard of play particularly from the top three in each event.
1 Connor Sinclair
2 Angus MacPhee
3 Ben Duncan
4 Cameron May
Judges: I Duncan, D Fraser
1 Connor Sinclair
2 Ben Duncan
3 William Geddes
4 Luke Kennedy
1 Ben Duncan
2 Connor Sinclair
3 William Geddes
4 Cameron May
1 Connor Sinclair
2 William Geddes
3 Ben Duncan
4 Angus MacPhee
Judge: B Donaldson
Champion Piper: Connor Sinclair
Hi Killin results what about the under 14 & under 18?
If games secretaries or parents would supply these results we would gladly print them. Ed