Virginia International Tattoo American Pipe Band Championship Results

This contest was held yesterday as part of the Virginia International Tattoo. Chieftain of the Day was Jimmy McIntosh. As the American Pipe Band Championship is part of a military Tattoo, the first band awards are for marching and deportment, and were judged by Captain Fraser Clark (Canadian Forces). Best Marching and Deportment Grade Three: 1st Battalion Scots Guards (pictured) Best Marching and Deportment Grade Two: City of Dunedin Grade…

Virginia Tattoo Participating Bands/ 2017 Silver Medal Tunes

This Saturday, April 29, 2017, the Virginia International Tattoo hosts the second annual Virginia International Tattoo American Pipe Band Championship on Scope Plaza in downtown Norfolk, Virginia. In the past the contest has featured Scottish Grade 1 bands Inveraray and Fife Police. This year UK representation comes from the Pipes and Drums of the 1st Battalion Scots Guards (pictured). Director of Piping for the contest is Andrew Carlisle of Field Marshal…