Editor’s Notebook: Jubilee Pipers/ Lorient Faux Pas/ Ivory Pipes/ Graingers and Reeds/ Donald’s Tune

I know it was a week ago, but I do not want this column to pass without recognising all those pipers, both military and non, who made their contribution to the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations. Reading reports and watching the ceremonies live, it was clear that we pipers did our bit on what was a uniquely historic occasion. The jewel in our crown was P/M Stuart Liddell whose composition Diu…

Piobaireachd Society Announce Line Up for Annual Edinburgh Fringe Concert

The Piobaireachd Society has invited the following pipers to play at its Annual Concert: Tom Peterkin, Finlay Johnston, John Dew and Nick Hudson.  The concert’s official title is ‘Classical Pipe Music – Scotland’s Hidden Treasure’. The date is August 21 and the venue St Cecilia’s Hall, Niddry Street, Edinburgh. Time: 7 for 7.30pm. Tickets are £10 (£8 concessions) at the door or in advance via the Edinburgh Fringe Box Office. Pipers’ dress…

Piping Still Has a Long Way to Go to Achieve the Respect it Deserves

By Robert Wallace The central problem in Army piping is that pipers are not considered musicians. They are soldiers first. This is not the case with their counterparts in the military bands. They are musicians, front and centre. Pipe Majors are constantly having to justify their existence to unsympathetic senior officers. Come parade time, sure they want to be proud of their Pipes & Drums. That’s different; the world and…

Army Pipe Majors to Take Up Civilian Teaching Posts After Combined Service of 39 years

Army piping has suffered a significant loss with the imminent departure of two of its leading Pipe Majors. P/M Ben Duncan (above left), Royal Scots Dragoon Guards, is leaving after 15 years service to take up the job of Assistant PIpe Major at George Watson’s College in Edinburgh. Ben begins at Watson’s in September. P/M Peter MacGregor, 4 Scots, The Highlanders, is leaving to become the piping Instructor at Erskine…

Readers React to Robert Mathieson’s Groundbreaking Thoughts on the Future of the Pipe Band Medley

Last week Piping Press ran a series of articles from RSPBA Adjudicator Robert Mathieson. The reaction is almost as important and interesting as the original thoughts. We print a selection here… Robert McCarthy: Mr Mathieson is saying out loud what has been on many peoples’ minds for years. The contest format has been mired in antiquated rules long enough; they are strangling bands. The ‘prescribed tune list’ and restricting them…