Editor’s Notebook: Iain Murdo/ SPA Entry/ SPA Vets/ Glasgow Transport Band

A little more on Iain Morrison may be apposite following yesterday’s piece by Alastair McInnes. Iain was the finest light music player I ever heard and I know I am not alone in that. The lift he gave to his tunes set him apart from others playing in the ’70s and ’80s and I include such great names as P/M Angus MacDonald, John MacDougall, John Burgess et al. He certainly…

Pipers Gather to Share Memories of Iain Murdo Morrison’s Visit to Australia

A dedicated group attended Castle Dangerous (Murdo MacLeod’s manor) in Maclean, New South Wales, last week to acknowledge the passing of Pipe Major Iain Murdo Morrison two years ago, the virus having torpedoed last year’s initial anniversary.  In 1987 the local Scottish Society opened the purse strings and ‘brought out’ an unforgettable touring party: Iain, singer Kathleen MacDonald and accordionist the late Tommy Darky who died in 2021. All were…

Famous Pipers: A View of Pipe Major GS McLennan from Before the First World War

Much has been written about the celebrated piper George S McLennan, lauded not only for his brilliant playing but also his masterful compositions. This account we believe is from the Oban Times. It does not have a precise date as our copy is obscure, but from reading it it was clearly published several years in advance of the outbreak of war in 1914. It is important to us in that…

Entries Open for SPA Juvenile and Professional Contests/ New Contest for Ireland

The Scottish Pipers’ Association committee meeting last week decided to go live with the online entry for both our SPA Professional (22nd April) and Juvenile competitions (18th March), writes President Logan Tannock. Entries for the professional competition will be limited to 25 per grade on a first come first served basis. Entries £10 per event. SPA memberships (£20) required. The professional contests in all grades will be in the Piping…

RSPBA: 2023 Calendar Published as Directors Discuss New Season/ Medley Development/ Static Start/ Juvenile Bands/ WSD/ Exams

The following items have been taken from the published minutes of the last RSPBA Board of Directors meeting. The minutes are light on specific detail but bands will be interested in some of the comments and outcomes. 2023 contests calendar has been published with ‘tbc’ used where details are not definite. Check it out here. Dates: British – May 20, UKs – Lurgan June 10, Euros – June 24, Scottish…