My Father, P/M Robert Reid – Part 3

We continue with our correspondence from Robert Reid jnr. to Jimmy McIntosh. This abridged letter is dated July 1994. There are comments about RG Hardie, the firm of RG Lawrie, the Piobaireachd Society, John MacDougall Gillies, William Connell, John MacDonald, Inverness, and RU Brown and RB Nicol who, he reveals, went to his father for lessons…. Bob Hardie to my knowledge never was employed by Lawries. Hardie was an apprentice…

Ireland North and South: Terry Takes VP Job/ Warnock Documentary/ Tullylagan Book/ Kenny Crothers/ Innovation in Cork

At a recent Irish Pipe Band Association National Executive Committee meeting it was decided to appoint a Vice-President to assist President Con O’Conaill. The NEC are very aware that an officer might not be able to fulfil his/her public duties at any given time.  The name of Pipe Major Terry Tully was proposed by Brian MacMahon and seconded by Johnny Sheehan and Terry was unanimously elected by the NEC to…

Editor’s Notebook: Yardley Medal/ Silver Chanter/ MacDougall’s House/ Luss, Bute & Annan Contests

Reader Phil Meyer has been in touch from Tasmania. Phil writes: ‘I  am a descendent of George Yardley and was wondering if the attached medal [front and back above] has any value from an insurance point of view? ‘George was my great-grandfather on my grandmother’s side so I have never met him. In fact I believe neither my father or his two sisters actually met him either. I will see…

At a Glance: Weekend Band Results Round Up

Three separate minor pipe band contests took place last weekend at Aberdeen, Lochore in Fife and in Edinburgh. All were organised by the various branches of the RSPBA. Congratulations to all bands who supported these competitions. Notable was the result at Edinburgh where UK Champions Boghall took the overall. Full results here. The next band major is the European Championship at Aberdeen on Saturday. LOCHORE, FIFE, June 17Grade 1: 1…

Editor’s Notebook: Boghall/ Regradings/ MacDougall Pipes/ Band Quartets/ British Legion 1970

There are a couple of things that need to be said following the Boggies big win last weekend. This very much a community band with a loyal membership that has stuck with it over the decades irrespective of success or lack of it. This loyalty was much more common when I played in bands than it is today with butterfly bagpipers flitting around hither and thither before landing on another…