Scottish Championships/ St Columba’s, Kilmalcolm Job/ Junior Festival Solos

Solo adjudicator and former Scots Guards piper Roger Huth on the Scottish Pipe Band Chanmpionships last weekend: ‘I had the joy of wandering among the sounds of our great competing pipe bands yesterday at the Sottish Championships and seeing not a few of our superstars in action in the Grade One arena. I found rare space on a grassy rampart overlooking the hallowed spot and at 1400 the procession of…

Editor’s Notebook: Worlds Grade 1/ Worlds Tickets/ RSPBA Jubilee/ Duncan’s Forgotten Piobaireachd/ Brisbane Beers

So it is a fact that this year’s World G1 title will be decided over four competitions involving a total of 16 judges. No one will be able to gainsay the winner after that. However I do not feel it necessary to go to such lengths. Eight judges stout and true can do the job perfectly well as they have shown in the past. Sixteen should not become the norm….

Editor’s Notebook: Worlds Draw/ Sons of Holyland Success/ New Argylls Book/ Ian C Cameron/ Cowal 1983

Can someone explain why it is necessary to have Grade 1 qualifying on the Friday of the Worlds? From what my small brain can detect there are perfectly adequate timings for the Saturday for all 14 bands. No crush to get them all in. Why have them all playing on the Friday as well? Seems unnecessary and added expense. Who goes through? Are those who don’t make it discarded from…

Editor’s Notebook: Piob Soc Summer School/ The Worlds/ Eagle Pipers/ National Mod/ Kilbarchan PB

It was extraordinary to stand on the ground which cradled our modern piping tradition. This we did last week when the Piobaireachd Society’s Summer School participants struggled over fences and dykes and cow pats to reach the croft of John MacKay, Raasay. Here were the very stones that nurtured his son Angus, and the hills and fields that heard the boy’s first notes on the chanter. How incredible that only…

Famous Pipers: Fifty Years Since the Passing of Robert U. Brown, Balmoral – Part 3

We continue with our tributes and comments on what proved to be RU Brown, Balmoral’s, final teaching and recital tour abroad to Australia. This is taken from the South Australian Pipe Band Association’s Newsletter…. It is with sadness that I [Ern Dowler, Vice-Principal Piping, South Australia] write these few words to the unforgettable memory of Pipe Major RU Brown and of experiences shared with him, above all his wonderful knowledge…