The BBC Are Right to Change the Piping Programme Say Most Readers

BBC Radio Scotland’s pledge to continue with their piping programme and outside broadcasts such as the World Pipe Band Championships has been welcomed by Piping Press readers. However, most agreed with our correspondent Duncan Watson that the current ‘Pipeline’ show had lost its way and needed to ‘get back to basics’. James Fraser: ‘Thank you for your work in getting a resolution to this matter. I agree with all the…

BBC Radio Scotland Commits to Piping Programming After Axing of ‘Pipeline’ – Worlds Coverage to Continue

The BBC has further responded to criticism over the axing of Radio Scotland’s flagship piping programme ‘Pipeline’. A series of well-supported complaints petitions was launched, somewhat belatedly, after Piping Press revealed the story last December. The Corporation did respond to our article at the time but now BBC Scotland’s Head of Commissioning, Louise Thornton, has underlined what was said in answer to our report – and confirmed continued coverage of…

Glasgow Uist & Barra Association Professional Contest Returns After Two Year Hiatus

The year’s inaugural professional piping contest will be held in Glasgow on March 4 when the city’s Uist & Barra Association presents its first major piping event for three years. It is part of the constitution of the Association that they hold an annual piping contest, yet in fairly recent times that honourable imperative has been disrupted and delayed by the covid pandemic and wild weather in the form of…

History: Rare Picture of P/M Donald MacLeod

Here is a photograph of Pipe Major Donald MacLeod which might be of interest. I think it is a photograph of a photograph. I obtained it from my brother Hugh, resident in Dingwall. He was of the opinion that it was taken at Dingwall Games.   I have my doubts about that and am more inclined to the likelihood that it was at the Strathpeffer Highland Gathering. This is because I recognise the trees…

Editor’s Notebook: British Champs/ Skye 1985/ Jamie’s Tune/ Scott’s Tune/ Queensland Contest/

Time’s getting on. It’s only 15 weeks or so till the scheduled British Championships (May 20) and there is still no confirmation of a venue. I can tell you that as I write the RSPBA are working very hard to get things sorted. They are committed to a championship in some shape or form. As I’ve said before, we cannot afford to lose this major over something as unimportant to…