Editor’s Notebook: Online Contests/ NHS Tribute/ Painting Challenge/ VP Day Tune/ John’s Job Lot

One thing struck me when looking at and listening to some of the recent online competition submissions was how much more of an occasion it was when the pipers were dressed properly. In the last one I watched (the USPF) there was a decided lack of dress sense and not a kilt in sight as far as I could see. Earlier this year Andrew Carlisle’s contest at Carnegie Mellon set…

Editor’s Notebook: Pipes for Sale/ Playing Outside/ Letter/ Alec Craig’s Tune

Reader Hugh Bevan writes: ‘My Gillanders and McLeod pipes are for sale. They are blackwood pipes with ivory mounts and nickel ferrules and are in very good condition. ‘They were professionally refurbished at the beginning of this year. Price: £1,850. Please contact me on:  h.c.bevan@btinternet.com .’ More details and pictures here. The Piping Press Online Advertising Service is a great way to sell your pipes, chanters etc. Only £25 per insertion…

More Famous Piper Portraits Offered Free Courtesy Piping Press

The piping and pipe band worlds are holding up well despite a summer decimated by the virus emergency, writes the Editor. Piping Press will continue to do its bit to keep everyone’s enthusiasm bubbling along until the sunny uplands of 2021 appear on the horizon. Today we are offering free of charge the second set of three quality portraits of significant piping figures of the past. Readers can download these…

Ed’s Notes: Painting Challenge/ Good News from RSPBA and G’fidd/ Teaching Job/ Mike Haggerty

I must say the standard of paintings we have received for our Lockdown Challenge has been terrific. Witness the above detail from artist Scott Kish. It is of piper Robert Dowson and is in watercolour. The size is 11″ x 15″. We’ll keep the challenge going till the end of July at which point it will be over to judge Robert Mathieson who has kindly agreed to select the winners….

Argyllshire Gathering Goes YouTube for 2020 MacGregor Memorial

The Argyllshire Gathering and the Highland Society of London have agreed that the first leg of this year’s MacGregor Memorial Piobaireachd contest for pipers aged under 22 will be conducted via online video submission. The MacGregor is one of the most prestigious ceòl mòr contest in the world and always attracts an international field. The winner is usually guaranteed a place in the following year’s Silver Medal at Oban but…