Editor’s Notebook: Pipe Major in Brazil/ Norman Matheson Tribute/ Dundee Kids Get Pipes

Reader Cristiano Bicuda has contacted us from Brazil about the above photograph. Chris writes: ‘I wonder if you can help me to identify the Pipe Major in the picture? ‘He seems to have visited Santos, State of São Paulo, in 1971 to play, or perhaps teach, these Brazilian girls from a local school. Maybe you will be able to identify him. ‘He was probably playing at British embassy or consulate…

Editor’s Notebook: Imminent U-turn Will Save Early Pipe Band Season/ Piping in Pitt Street/ Piobaireachd by the Sea/ Ottawa Games 1976

Twelve hours after Tuesday’s blog suggesting the 2022 British Pipe Band Championships should be moved from Scotland to England, Sir Ian McGeechan proposed the same for the forthcoming Calcutta Cup rugby match. Newcastle would be the perfect spot for the battle with the auld enemy, a max crowd permitted and guaranteed, said Sir Ian. Twenty-four hours later our football pundits were suggesting the same for Scottish Premier League matches. The…

Restrictions Pose Threat to British Pipe Band Championships

Welcome back folks and right away I must apologise for being the bearer of un-glad tidings. If we are to believe what the Scottish Government and its medical apparatchiks are saying, we need to start worrying about early season pipe band contests. Just look at the front pages from Monday’s Times newspaper (above). In England (r) we had talk of a lessening of restrictions whilst in bonnie wee benighted Scotland…

Happy Hogmanay/ Piper in Austria/ Pipe Band Ship Launch/ Eagle Pipers 1970

There are many good reasons to enjoy Hogmanay this evening not least of which is that when numbskull politicians dictate we should do something it is wise to carry on as before. Piping at ‘the Bells’ in your home is perfectly safe and outside cheering up the neighbours even safer. Cancelling Hogmanay is the sort of torture no true Scot should have to endure. It’s on a par with the…

Editor’s Notebook: Covid Fears for 2022 Season/ Charity Single/ Talk Piobaireachd/ Results from Yesteryear

All the indications are that the restrictions/ recommendations on social gatherings limited to three households, as announced yesterday, will extend at least until March. What impact this will have on band practices here in Scotland I know not. But I am concerned. The knock on effect for the 2022 season could be significant. Already we have had the cancellation of the Scottish Schools contest scheduled for the end of March….