Yesterday, April 1, was the 40th anniversary of the City of Port Moody Pipe Band under P/M Terry Lee becoming the ‘new’ Simon Fraser University Pipe Band in 1981, writes Rob MacNeil, SFU Band President.
We asked Terry to share some brief thoughts and a picture on this significant anniversary that Piping Press readers may finding interesting.
Terry writes: ‘It has been a great ride over the 40 years and it is very satisfying to see the band carry on at such a high level these days.
‘The picture above was taken in June 1982 in the University’s Convocation Mall after the band’s first first place at a Grade 1 full band event.
‘Everyone seems happy with the result and it also shows our new Ancient Clan Fraser kilts!

‘Proper sponsorship meant new kilts, chanters and drums – such a big deal for us at the time.
‘Soon after this the band was off to Maxville, Ontario and we were thrilled to become North American champions (1982).
‘Twenty-odd pipers was out of the question in 1981 – we had to build it!’
As readers will know the rest is, as they say, history with SFU becoming one of the leading bands in the world taking five Worlds Grade 1 titles, recording a host of albums and performing to sell out crowds in the Sydney Opera House, Carnegie Hall, New York City, and Glasgow Royal Concert Hall.
We are sure everyone will want to join Piping Press in offering P/M Lee and the rest of the band sincere congratulations on a wonderful achievement, their 40th Anniversary.
Shasta Piping Society, California, has brought together composers from all over the world in a new collection of ceòl mòr. The book contains 31 piobaireachds, including all of the winning pieces from the Society’s four year long composing competition, some notable extras that didn’t quite make the prize list, and three specially commissioned pieces.
It brings together composers from Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Germany, France, Scotland, the US and Canada.
It includes tunes from winners Jori Chisholm, Vincent Janoski and P/M Ben J. Duncan, plus music from such as P/M Bill Robertson, P/M Angus Lawrie, Ronald McShannon, John Dew, Chris Gray, Zephan Knichel, Xavier Boderiou and many more. Two notable laments mark the passing of piping stalwarts Andrew Bonar and J. David Hester.

The foreword was written by Robert Wallace, President of the Piobaireachd Society who also acted as Chairman of the Judges Panel for the competition which comprised himself, P/M Bill Livingstone (Canada), Chris Terry (South Africa, Greg Wilson (New Zealand) and Mike Cusack (USA).
The competition ran from 2017 – 2020 and was was a joint venture between Shasta Piping Society, Burley Bagpipes and Piping Press. The book was compiled by Karen McCrindle Warren, and is published by Elixir Piping and Drumming.
Karen said: ‘All involved in this project from the organisers, judges, composers and publishers have given their time and expertise freely and elected to donate all proceeds of this book to the charity EPIC East Ayrshire Pipe Band Academy.
‘This is a grass roots teaching project in a highly deprived area, and the Academy wish to give their most sincere thanks to all involved for their much appreciated support.
‘This book is the definition of ‘modern piobaireachd’, and a must-have for any player with a love and appreciation of the genre. Get your copy on Amazon now!’
Click on your geographical area to order: UK, USA, Canada, Australia.