Editor’s Notebook: AG Lochnell Championship/ Capt. John Contest/ Clan Maciver Tune/ Lorient Festival

The Argyllshire Gathering’s Intermediate Championship 2022 will be held at Lochnell Castle near Oban on October 22. Eight leading young professional pipers will be invited to compete for what has already become a sought after title. Last year’s winner, Andrew Ferguson, Dollar Academy, is pictured second left above. Styled after the Glenfiddich Championship for senior pipers, the Lochnell requires a submission of four Piobaireachd and four MSRs the winner in…

Pipe Band News from Across the Water – P/M Terry Tully

The headline news from last month was the announcement by the Dublin-based St Laurence O’Toole Pipe Band that Terry Tully, a member of the band since 1973 and their pipe major from 1984 until 2013, had retired from both the band and competitive piping in Grade 1. While he had handed over the role of pipe major to his son Alen in 2013, he had continued to play with the…

Scottish Pipers Association Professional Contest 2022 Entries Open

We are delighted to announce that entries for the 2022 SPA Professional Contest, held in person on the 30th of April 2022 are now open, writes President Logan Tannock. Entries for each event will be strictly limited to 20 competitors so we recommend early registrations to guarantee your place. All entrants will need to create a membership on the SPA Website, and life members should contact gary.nimmo@scottishpipersassociation.co.uk to process their online membership….

Editor’s Notebook: Florida Academy/ Ukraine Piper/ Helensburgh Band Recruiting/ Tomintoul Losses/ March for Norman/ SPA AGM

The 2022 Florida Pipe & Drum Academy has concluded successfully with noticeable improvements in performance and knowledge. The school was the first since the ending of lockdown and, in 2019, the last before the pandemic hit. We only lost one year. Organiser Chris McKeown has expansion plans for next year. We finished with a visit to the North Florida games where many of the students competed with success in the…

CLASP ‘Live Online’ 5th February Competition Results

This competition took place, ‘Live Online’ using the Zoom platform. Amateur pipers from all over the world joined to compete ‘live’ on Saturday 5th February and captured their live performance using a video recording device, which was later sent to the judges. A special mention to the volunteer online stewards for the day; Gill Cairns, Anna Binder, Sally Mason, Caitlin Houlihan, Megan kenney and Lou Reid.  The next CLASP competition…