Lochearnhead Games Results

Overcast but no rain at this traditional games. Nine played in the piobaireachd and 11 in the light music. Judging organised by the Royal Scottish Pipers’ Society. Piob. 1 John Mulhearn, Rout of the Lowland Captain2 Peter McCalister, Lament for Dead3 Edward Gaul 4 Anna Smart March 1 Greig Canning2 John Mulhearn3 Edward Gaul4 Fraser Maitland S&R1 John Mulhearn2 William Geddes3 David Bruce4 Bobby AllenJudges: I Duncan, A Forbes, J…

The Australian Ladies Pipe Band – The Definitive History Part 2

In December 1925, New Zealand officials cabled their Australian counterparts asking whether there were any objections to granting passports to the band members so they could proceed to Canada and elsewhere. Australia responded that passports should not be issued unless there was evidence of parental permission for the under-age members of the band.  By Jeannie Campbell Furthermore, each musician would have to pay a £50 repatriation bond as surety in…

Tomintoul Games Results

A classic games at Tomintoul on the edge of the Cairngorms National Park. A beautiful setting and fair weather until a downpour at 5pm.  Nine seniors and six juniors made a healthy competition. The overall senior champion was Calum Brown. Open Piobaireachd 1 Fraser Maitland – The Groat2 Calum Brown – King’s Taxes3 Hamish Munro – MacGregor’s Salute4 Piers Dover – Lament for MacSwan of Roaig Open March1 Calum Brown2 Hamish…

Balloch Games Results

This traditional games was held today on the south shore of Loch Lomond with a good crowd in attendance as is normal for the first Saturday of the Glasgow Fair holiday. However the weather was very mixed, with pipers braving sunshine and showers throughout the day. Piob: 1 Cameron May, Lament for Donald Duaghal MacKay2 Steven Gray3 Callum Wynd4 Kris Coyle March: 1 Cameron May 2 Kris Coyle 3 Steven…

The Australian Ladies Pipe Band – The Definitive History Part 1

I have read the various stories on Piping Press concerning the Australian Ladies. According to newspaper reports, on their arrival in Glasgow on Thursday, August 26th, en route to Cowal, the band was welcomed at the station by 42,000 enthusiastic citizens and the Clan MacRae Society Pipe Band, the champion band of Scotland, under their P/M William Fergusson, which played them to their hotel. Membership of the band was restricted…