Famous Pipers: A View of Pipe Major GS McLennan from Before the First World War

Much has been written about the celebrated piper George S McLennan, lauded not only for his brilliant playing but also his masterful compositions. This account we believe is from the Oban Times. It does not have a precise date as our copy is obscure, but from reading it it was clearly published several years in advance of the outbreak of war in 1914. It is important to us in that…

John MacFadyen on the Art of Judging – Part 4

Here we have the penultimate excerpt of John MacFadyen’s comments on judging from the recording made in Johannesburg, South Africa, in 1973. In it he discourses on tune selection. He tells an amusing story of the Dunvegan Medal and Sheriff Grant and the confusion between MacFarlane’s Gathering and Too Long in this Condition. He says it is wrong for judges to give favourite tunes to their favourite pipers. He describes…

Statistics Prove the Lack of Modern 2/4 Marches in Today’s Competition Repertoire

In February this year I wrote the opinion piece on Piping Press about 2/4 march competitions had become stagnant in the music being played – same ol’ same ol’.  We lit a fuse under some people.  It was Vincent who thought I had been living in a cave for the past 30 years. (He was from New Jersey, that explains his attitude!)  Others took offence saying that there was an…

The 1948 World Pipe Band Championships – Part 2

Continuing with my look at the 1948 World Pipe Band Chanpionships based on the old programe kindly sent to me by Don Bradford, I have some observations on the list of bands (see here): First prize in the Grade 1/Open contest was £50 plus the News of the World trophy. The high number of bands from mining communities at that time. Grade 4 comprised only ladies pipe bands. I had…

George Sherriff Amateur Results

Bob Worrall: Here are the results from this past Saturday, 19/11/22, at the 26th Annual George Sherriff Invitational. It was a great day at St Paul’s Presbyterian Church in Hamilton, Ontario. with a terrific audience turn out for all three events. There was a clean sweep in all disciplines from Callum Bevan from British Columbia who among many other prizes won a set of pipes from McCallum Bagpipes and a set…