Some Reflections on My Time as an Instructor at the College of Piping

The airing last weekend of the online premiere of the film ‘Follow Me…I’m Right Behind You’ brought back a host of memories from my time as senior instructor at the former College of Piping in Glasgow. I retired from Strathclyde Police in December 2006 and during that first week of doing nothing I received a phone call; it was the College of Piping asking if I would come in and…

Entries for Oban and Inverness Open/ Film Premier Reminder

The Argyllshire Gathering and Northern Meeting advise that entries for next year’s competitions can now be submitted online at each of their web sites. There had been a problem with the Gathering registration form but that has now been resolved. Here are the relevant links: Argyllshire Gathering  Northern Meeting  Entries for the open competitions (Gold and Silver Medals, March, Strathspey and Reel A and B) must be lodged according to the…

Editor’s Notebook: US Ship Launch/ Finlay MacRae/ PS Bursary/ Eddie’s New CD

Reader Michael Hubbard in the US: I thought to send this fairly dramatic photo from October 2021.  This is the Clan Macleay Pipe Band, Portland, Oregon, USA (in continuous existence since 1912).  We are playing at the launching of a barge at Greenbrier Marine.  As can be seen, we were in our typically rainy period, with pipers and drummers in Inverness capes. The Drum Major, Dan Kelley, decided to stand out…

Donald Morrison Archive: A Letter from Seton Gordon and Donald’s Part in ‘Whisky Galore’

We continue our excerpts from the archive of the renowned Gold Medallist and composer……… Wednesday evening, August 30, 1972, Upper Duntuilm, Isle of Skye….Dear Donald Morrison, I have just been listening to the wireless recording of the ‘Silver Chanter’ and it has confirmed my feeling that your ‘Iain Garve’ [John Garve MacLeod of Raasay’s Lament] was the best tune of the evening. I think John MacDonald [Inverness] would have agreed…

Preview: ‘Jimmy, Memoirs of My Life as A Piper’ by Jimmy McIntosh MBE

                                             The much anticipated memoir of one of piping’s greats is published just in time for Christmas. ‘Jimmy, Memoirs of My Life as A Piper’ by James H. McIntosh MBE, tells the story of a long life completely dedicated to the service of piping both in Scotland and the…