1st Port Glasgow BB – Pipe Band Memories and Worlds Winning Celebration Part 2

After a successful 1973 in Grade 3, most of the boys went on to play in Grade 1 bands such as Paisley, Red Hackle/Clan Campbell/Britoil, British Caledonian Airways (Renfrew), Shotts and Dykehead, Scottish Power, Babcock Renfrew and Bucksburn. In 1993, the BB company celebrated its Centenary. There was a Grand Dinner in the Town Hall on the Friday evening at which, amongst others, ex-member Lord George Penrose, a high court…

1st Port Glasgow BB Pipe Band to Celebrate Winning World Juvenile Title 50 Years Ago

This year represents 50 years since 1st Port Glasgow BB became World Juvenile Pipe Band Champions. The band was also Champion of Champions that year.  Above is a photo of the winning band of 1972. It was taken in the BB Institute in Balfour Street, Port Glasgow, and shows the band in its new Anderson tartan kilts and tweed jackets. We did not have the kilts in the 1972 season…

Why I Won’t Sit in the Stands at the Worlds Again

Fistly I want to say thanks to Alistair Aitken for his reports from the 2022 Worlds. They are always respectful, well researched and authoritative. I was interested in his comment: ‘Perhaps strangely, most of the spectators preferred to stand or sit around the competing band arenas.’ By Iain White I can give some personal insight. I have attended the Worlds for as long as I can remember with my two…

Editor’s Notebook: The Worlds, The Worlds, The Worlds

A few more thoughts from the Green. I must respectfully take issue with one aspect of Alistair Aitken’s excellent article of a couple of weeks ago. He wrote: ‘…..one of the main reasons for pipe bands traditionally competing in a circle as the original thinking all these years ago was that the circle contains and balances the sounds much better.‘ I am not sure there was ever any trial done…

Editor’s Notebook: John MacLellan Dinner/ Alex MacIver Book/ Scottish Championships/ Dunvegan Medal/ Blas Festival

Douglas Gardiner, President of the Eagle Pipers’ Society: ‘Would you mind publishing that we are closing the sale of tickets for the Captain John MacLellan Dinner at 23.30hrs (BST) on Sunday 14th August? ‘We have been very pleased with ticket sales so far but a few more will ensure our Treasurer can sleep easier.  ‘Tickets are priced £50 and can be bought here. The selected pipers and their tunes are…