Editor’s Notebook: Schools Teaching/ Duncan MacLellan/ Auction Pipes/ Paterson’s Publications

We should temper our reading of this week’s story on the introduction of school’s piping instructors almost 50 years ago with the unpleasant fact that not all appointments were a success. I could name three or four tutors from back then who were just not up to the job. Many children suffered from the negligence and incompetence of these poor teachers. Worse, public employee union tape meant they could not…

Editor’s Notebook: William’s Tune Search/ PS Newsletter/ Amazing Grace/ Patrick’s Tune/ 1975 Results

This touching story is from Andy McCartney of the South West Scotland Pipe & Drum Academy: ‘Just prior to the beginning of lockdown in 2020, William Marchant a 9-year-old pupil at Penpont Primary School, started chanter lessons with me. They were done via the internet to his home. ‘Both William’s dad and his grandfather are pipers, so it seemed natural that William would also want to play pipes. He was…

Let Your Bagpipe Help You Rise Above the Turmoil

Thirteen years ago we were going through another major crisis – the financial crash. Fortunes were lost; governments in a panic; western capitalism on the brink. At the time I penned a piece which suggested how we pipers could cope. I’ve updated it for our current ordeal…. The nights are darkly dim. Black forces rattle on the window pane. The insidious virus threatens to wrest the porridge spoon of prosperity…

Editor’s Notebook: Henderson Pipes/ Pipe Band Season/ Iain Murdo/ Rutherglen PB/ Lady Piper Podcast

Notice anything strange about this pic? Check out the bass drone. This was how the pipes were pictured in an auction catalogue by a Devon-based company. They were expected to go for £60 – £80 but sold for close on £6,000. The auction house and the seller clearly knew next to nothing about the national instrument yet the blurb read: ‘An important set of bagpipes have found their way home…

Editor’s Notebook: Modern Bagpipes/ Lothian & Borders/ John Stewart/ Three part 6/8s/ Sandy on Alba/ Results 1960

During my talk for the Bagpipe Association of Germany last week I emphasised how important it was to have an instrument that was easy to reed, easy to tune and steady. Have a think, dear reader, about your own pipe. Does it measure up? Do you spend more time actually getting your pipes going than practising or playing? If so you have a problem. If it does not answer all…