News from Over the Water – Closkelt Concert/ Ulster Entries Down/ Blackthorn Pipers/ Cleland Celebrate Bunting/ Matt Boyd and Prince Charles

March 26th saw Closkelt Pipe Band take to the stage of the Market Place Theatre in Armagh for a concert promoted by the band. Compère on the night was radio presenter Rab Lennox of ‘Big Rab Show’ and BBC ‘Kintra’ fame. Headlining the show was the host band itself led by Pipe Major David Chesney and new Leading Drummer Brendan McGoran and they gave a glimpse of some of their…

Pipe Band News from Across the Water – P/M Terry Tully

The headline news from last month was the announcement by the Dublin-based St Laurence O’Toole Pipe Band that Terry Tully, a member of the band since 1973 and their pipe major from 1984 until 2013, had retired from both the band and competitive piping in Grade 1. While he had handed over the role of pipe major to his son Alen in 2013, he had continued to play with the…

Northern Ireland Pipe Bands Gearing Up for Post Covid Comeback

The pipe band scene in Northern Ireland is making strides to get going again with bands resuming practices and plans being put in place by the RSPBA NI Branch for the season ahead. The RSPBA NI Branch Meeting took place on Saturday 29th January 2022 via Zoom and a draft contest programme was tabled. At the time only the Mid Ulster (Cookstown) and the Ulster (Ballymena) competitions were confirmed however…

Irish PBA Produce Five Year Plan and Re-work Constitution and Teaching Manuals/ Blackthorn Pipers/ Balmoral Teaching Weekend

I have for some time been copied into communications which the Irish Pipe Band Association issue to their member bands, writes Gilbert Cromie. Recently I received a number of documents which have been sent out for consideration and discussion ahead of the organisation’s Annual General Meeting which is scheduled to take place via Zoom on the 22nd January 2022 at 2.00pm. The IPBA, like its RSPBA NI Branch neighbours, have…

Northern Ireland Approves Reduced Season of Pipe Band Contests for 2022

The 71st Annual General Meeting of the Royal Scottish Pipe Band Association (Northern Ireland) Branch took place on Saturday 27th November 2021. Representatives of seventeen member bands were in attendance along with Kevin Reilly and Brian MacMahon, the Chairmen of the RSPBA and the Irish Pipe Band Association respectively. Members heard that the Branch had facilitated a well-attended Zoom meeting of Pipe Majors and Leading Drummers on Monday 25th October at 7.30pm…