Pipe Band Workshop: What Makes a Good Performance in the Eyes and Ears of Judges?

As bands prepare for their first season in three years Piping Press will do everything it can help them refresh their knowledge and re-kindle their enthusiasm. This article, by former senior pipe band adjudicator and educator Alistair Aitken, first appeared in Pipe Band Magazine. Accepting that the primary focus of pipe band competition is on musical performance, it is reasonable to expect adjudicators to assess bands against the three main…

Pipe Band Workshop Part 1: The Pressure on Judges and What They are Looking For

As bands prepare for their first season in three years Piping Press will do everything it can help them refresh their knowledge and re-kindle their enthusiasm. This article, by former senior pipe band adjudicator and educator Alistair Aitken, first appeared in Pipe Band Magazine. it is likely that few people really understand the complexity of pipe band adjudication until they have experienced the demanding training all aspirants need to undertake. …

Pipe Band Progress: ‘Plain Daft’ Not to Have an Ensemble Judge – AD Hamilton, 1950s

Pipe band ensemble, and the need for a single category of adjudicator, has been raised on a number of occasions over the years since the 1950s.  Firstly, it is interesting that while AD Hamilton said in his mid-1950s article that it was ‘plain daft’ that no-one was appointed to adjudicate the band as a musical ensemble, it took another 15 years before the concept of an Ensemble adjudicator was introduced…

The Progress of the Pipe Band and the Importance of Learning from History – Part 2

Some of the concerns over ensemble, drumming prizes, tempos and judges in tents, have of course been remedied over the years since the 1950s.  Adjudicators of RSPBA pipe band competitions for many years have no longer been hidden in tents (although that has generated new concerns regarding whether they should be static or move around the competing bands; and whether they should be allowed to share tents and confer with…

The Progress of the Pipe Band and the Importance of Learning from History

In any organisation it is always good practice to study its history before attempting to make changes or further develop its structure, policies or procedures.  History has a habit of repeating itself on a cyclical basis, so it is always worth considering the background to previous decisions to avoid repeating previous mistakes.  It is also always worth considering whether seemingly new ideas have actually been tried before and failed.  The…