Aberdeen Games Results

There was a good crowd and plenty of entertainment including a Father’s Day race and the potential nucleus of a new North-East Pipe Band, surely to be known as the Hazelhead Giants, writes Dr Jack Taylor.

There were a number of call-offs from the pipe band competition leaving Buchan Peterson uncontested in grades 2 and 1. Champion Piper Ben Duncan is pictured above playing part of Beloved Scotland to earn second prize in the piobaireachd.

1. Angus Macphee – Old Men of the Shells
2. Ben Duncan
3. James McPetrie
4. George Taylor
5. Cameron May
6. Gordon Barclay
Judges: Ian Duncan, Derek Fraser

1. P/M Ben Duncan
2. Alan Clark
3. James McPetrie
4. Cameron May
5. Luke Kennedy

Strathspey and Reel
1. P/M Ben Duncan
2. James McPetrie
3. Cameron May
4. Brodie Watson-Massey
5. Luke Kennedy

1. Brodie Watson-Massey
2. Alan Clark
3. Luke Kennedy
4. P/M Ben Duncan
5. Cameron May

16 played in light music. Judges: Archie Maclean and Duncan Watson.

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