The power of! Within days of mentioning the missing Braemar trophy in the PP Editor’s Blog (12/12/14), it has been traced and will be forwarded to the 2014 recipient. It proves yet again the marketing strength of the internet, and in particular this online magazine. If you are a manufacturer or retailer of piping and pipe band supplies make sure you join our growing band of advertisers who are already reaping the benefit of investing with us and reaching thousands of readers every week. Read on before turning to our Letters column.

Voted yet? Still time to have your say in who should get our ‘Piper of the Year’ accolade.[polldaddy poll=8482431]
Also there readers will find a letter from Dr Jack Taylor the President of the Piobaireachd Society. Dr Taylor reveals that the Society has a recording of P/M Donald Maclean of Lewis playing at the Bratach Gorm in the 50s and kindly provides us with a link. Dr Taylor also comments on recent articles in our Piobaireachd section, in particular the James Campbell letters and the ‘Search for Everyman’s Piobaireachd’ piece by Aussie piper Paul Ross. PP Letters are here.
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