British Championships: Get Back to Basics to Re-Engage With the Public and Promoters

Shock has been expressed at the loss of the first pipe band championship of the season 2023. Apparently this is due to the current lack of funds at local authority level, these authorities understandably reluctant /unable to commit funding to a pipe band competition when measured against other essential spending. Parks for competition require preparation, safety barriers and signage. Staff costs for policing and clearing up afterwards are rocketing owing…

Scottish Pipers Association President Reponds to Complaints Over Entry Fees

The Scottish Pipers’ Association has faced some criticism with regards to the entry fee for our professional competition which I would like to address, writes President Logan Tannock.  The first point is that the entry fees, sponsorship, and grants are all ploughed back into the competition to cover judges, hall hires, lunches, prize money etc. All the people who volunteer to help on the day and give up their time,…

RSPBA Chairman Talks to Piping Press Following Criticsm Over Championship Cancellation

RSPBA Chairman Kevin Reilly has responded to criticism of the Association over the cancellation of this summer’s British Pipe Band Championship. Mr Reilly expressed his bitter disappointment at the unprecedented call off and re-itereated the Association’s determination to put things right for 2024. He said: ‘At the last meeting of the Board of Directors the difficulties surrounding the British were discussed fully. We realised the gravity of the situation and…

My Shock and Surprise at the Loss of a Pipe Band Championship This Summer

As regards the news that there will be no British Pipe Band Championship this year, I am a little surprised at the lack of comment from others so far. Maybe everyone is as shocked and stunned as I was at the RSPBA announcement.  I felt that their terse statement last week, with no detail about what avenues had been explored and no meaningful apology, was a disgrace to the many…

Official: British Pipe Band Championships Scrapped for 2023

The RSPBA has failed in its attempt to spread the British Pipe Band Championship over minor contests. It will not now go ahead on its scheduled of date May 20 nor at various dates during the 2023 season. It means that the roster of Major Championships for this year is reduced to four. In a statement the Association’s Board of Directors offered no real explanation other than a rather terse:…