RU Brown Piobaireachd Society Results

The RU Brown Piobaireachd Society Gold Medal and Clasp competitions are probably the most prestigious in Australia. This year’s contests took place last weekend at the Scotch College, Adelaide, South Australia, with over 120 competitors in eight different classes. The above picture shows (l – r) Clasp winner Jason Craig, Gold Medallist Stuart Easton and light music prizewinner Craig Sked. The Society was established following a visit by RU Brown to…

Highlands & Islands Festival – Complete Results, Pictures and Comment

A successful competition was held in the new Oban High School today (Sat May 5). There were healthy entries in all grades except the P/A Piobaireachd where nine entered but seven played. Cameron MacDougall, Nigg, continued his successful run winning the P/A Piobaireachd and the B MSR. Cameron is pictured above left with B Piob winner Steven Leask. P/A Ceol Mor for Cooper Salver (1st) and Dugald MacColl Memorial Trophy…

PP Ed’s Blog: Piper Query/ World Drumming/ Quaich Livestream/ Aberdeen Teachers/ SPA/ Gransha

Reader Kylie McKenna: ‘I am hoping you and your readers might be able to help me. I am trying to find out if anyone can identify what tartan and pipe band my grandfather William Lamont may have been a member of at the time this photo (above and below) was taken. ‘He was from Leslie in Fife, and I do know he was a member of the Leslie Pipe Band…

Early Season Round-Up of Grade 2 and More – MacStig is Back!

Some say he can drive, others that he only drives pipe majors mad…others that his spare kilt is more black mark than Black Watch…..all we know is that we hang on his every word, so let’s hear a big warm welcome back for everyone’s favourite pipe band correspondent, the one and only MacStig!…. Spring has finally sprung, a bit like the oil leak in the petrol guzzler en route from…

Draw for UK Pipe Band Championships Announced/ Worlds Tickets

The UK Pipe Band Championships will be held on June 16 at the Stormont Estate, Northern Ireland. Here is the order of play and the judges in Grade 1 courtesy the RSPBA. This title has been won by local band Field Marshal Montgomery for the past four years – ever since it was created following the demise of Cowal as an RSPBA championship following the 2013 season. In the above picture P/M…