Historic SPA Trophy Winners Listed

Two weeks ago Jeannie Campbell wrote of two historic trophies which were presented by the Scottish Pipers’ Association for annual junior competition: the John MacDougall Gillies Trophy (above left) and the Farquhar MacRae Trophy (r). Both were always for piobaireachd, the J MacD Gillies at the SPA spring competition and the F MacRae at the autumn competition. The competitions were for amateurs and juveniles, so some winners were older than…

New Amateur Contests for England/ Edinburgh School Drum Tutor Wanted

My RSPBA ranch (London & South of England) has always offered solo contests alongside pipe band events, writes Jackie Allan. It is a means of bringing together the scattered piping (and drumming) community in our very large region. Last year we trialled the CLASP system for amateur solo pipers, with the intention of creating a more level playing field for the pipers, and a better pathway for personal development.  Following talks…

More on the Remarkable Vic Herman/ Cupar Pipe Band

Eighteen months ago we ran an interesting story on Victor Herman, boxer, painter, piper. Vic learned the pipes in the Jewish Lads Boys Brigade in Glasgow. When he found fame with the gloves he would pipe himself into the ring. He loved his piping and when he discovered another talent as a painter, set about creating images of our master pipers of old in oils. Reader Peter Candy takes up…

Pipe Band News: Northern Ireland Chairman Stands Down/ Grant Cassidy Leaves Shotts

The pipe band community in Northern Ireland has been surprised by yesterday’s resignation of the RSPBA Northern Ireland branch Chairman, Alastair Patterson, writes Gilbert Cromie. In a statement Alastair said: ‘I have taken the decision to stand down from my role as Chairman of the RSPBA Northern Ireland Branch. This has not been an easy decision, but the amount of time and commitment needed has been having an impact on…

College Band/ Inveraray Dinner/ Balvenie Medal

Scott Bennett replies to last week’s article on the College of Piping band. He writes: Yes that was Evan MacKay behind the pipe major in photo of the CoP band in Brittany in 1953. And if you look very carefully you can see me – the small boy behind the Pipe Sergeant. The P/Sgt was none other than the renowned accordionist of Mishnish Hotel, Tobermory, fame, Bobby MacLeod. Bobby composed…