Editor’s Notebook: Feedback from Judges/ Pipe Band Championships/ Metro Amateurs/ Angus Recital/ U&B and Oban Festival Dates

The points raised in our discussion on accountability of judges are important. All pipers deserve to know why, after all their hard work, they did or did not make a prize list. Senior adjudicators should be prepared to write crit sheets, even if they are reticent about writing articles. Not everyone has the required literary skill. There is also this letter from New Zealander Graeme Glass: ‘I had such a…

UK and British Championships Confirmed and RSPBA Calendar for 2024 Season Published

The Association has confirmed the UK Championships in Bangor, Northern Ireland in May and the British Championships in June in Forres. The UK Pipe Band Championship will be on the 18th May and the British in Grant Park, Forres, on June 8th. Both are significant events in the world of pipe bands. The UKs attract bands from across Northern Ireland, Ireland, Great Britain, and sometimes even further afield. RSPBA Chairman,…

Juggernaut Pipe Bands – Readers Reply

Response to the comments by David Cross earlier this week on this subject have been broadly favourable. Looking at all of the views since this subject was aired on Piping Press several weeks ago, the broad consensus is that the RSPBA needs to act. Pruning the sizes of the mega bands would be of benefit to the broader movement. We are disappointed that some readers are afraid to put their…

Our Juggernaut Pipe Bands – Are They a Good Thing?

The two hot topics of the pipe band winter have been the major championships and band sizes. The first is now settled with a final announcement on the forth and fifth majors expected from the RSPBA on Monday. The second continues, with PP readers to the fore as witnessed yesterday in the letter from David Cross, Northern Ireland. In response….. Eric McGaw: I agree with some things that David has…

Germany’s Northern Winter School Inundated with Students/ Reader’s View on Band Sizes

The popular Northern Winter School, held each November in Germany, opened for registration at the weekend and is already sold out, the organisers report. Principal Ronnie Bromhead said: ‘After opening the online booking portal on February 1 we have received significantly more booking requests than we could give places. ‘Because of this flood we are doing our very best to fulfil all individual requests, but unfortunately some may not get…