Canadian Piper Dies in Military Helicopter Crash

The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation report….. The aircraft had as many as six people aboard when it went down yesterday. Sub.-Lt. Abbigail Cowbrough, seen in her Facebook profile photo (above), has been identified as one of the victims of the Canadian military helicopter crash in the Mediterranean on Wednesday. Cowbrough, 23, graduated from the Royal Military College of Canada in 2018 and was serving as a marine system engineering officer aboard HMCS…

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The Mighty Creighton: The Making of a World Champion, in His Own Words

The current World Champion leading drummer is Stephen Creighton of the St Laurence O’Toole Pipe Band. Earlier this year he was the drum instructor at the Florida Pipe & Drum Academy and the editor took the opportunity of interviewing him for Piping Press about his rise to fame. It is a remarkable story of talent, determination and hard graft and as such is a lesson for any young piper or…

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Editor’s Notes: Powell River PB/ Shasta Contest/ Rob Roy MacGregor/ South Uist Piping

Times are difficult in the bagpipe world right now, not more so than in the journalism line. Thankfully our contributors and readers are rising to the challenge and we have lots of interesting articles in store which will help keep things ticking over during the next few weeks, but if you read copied PP input more than usual elsewhere over this period don’t be surprised. The picture above comes to…

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Piobaireachd Society Annual Recital Re-Scheduled

By Robert Wallace, Piobaireachd Society President The annual Piobaireachd Society sponsored recital of ceòl mòr which had been scheduled for early August has been postponed until November due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the subsequent cancellation of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival of which the concert was part. The event, entitled, ‘Classical Bagpipe Music – Scotland’s Hidden Treasure’, will now take place on Novemebr 29 – the Sunday nearest St Andrew’s…

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Editor’s Notes: Lockdown Tunes & Drawing/ James Robertson/ Piob Soc Fb/ Balmoral School/ Sam Young Offer

PP Lockdown Challenge…Friend and composer Eddie McGuire read of the request for paintings and artwork and reminded me of this drawing by artist John Gahagan. It’s not for the competition but might inspire someone. Eddie writes: ‘I see that you are putting up artwork featuring pipers. Here’s the excellent drawing that John Gahagan did for the front cover of the music I wrote for the Glasgow arts festival ‘Mayfest’ in…

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