Editor’s Notebook: British and Cowal/ Band Displays/ Tune Plea/ Alan Watters and Donald MacLeod

Contrary to the impression given by RSPBA Chairman Kevin Reilly in last week’s story on the cancellation of the British Championships, the Association did not approach Cowal Gathering about the possible transfer of parts of the competition. Mr Reilly was referring to an approach to an events company in the town who mentioned the use of ‘Cowal Stadium’. Cowal Gathering Chairman Malcolm Barclay has since contacted the RSPBA to clarify…

Results of Our Readers’ Poll on the Future BBC Radio Scotland Piping Programme

What to make of our BBC Poll? We asked readers to comment on the form they believed the new BBC Radio Scotland piping programme should take following the announcement of the discontinuation of ‘Pipeline’ and the Gaelic medium show ‘Crunluath’, writes the Editor. There is to be a new programme amalgamating both, though given the language issue it is not clear how this can be achieved. There was a very…

Single Venue British Championships Ruled Out by RSPBA

It’s now official. There will be no single day British Pipe Band Championship this season. As was reported on PP a couple of weeks ago, the Association worked tirelessly to secure a promoter for the May 20th event, writes the Editor. We also reported on a possible fall back position whereby well-established local contests would be offered a particular grade under the ‘British Championship’ banner. A statement from the RSPBA…

Editor’s Notebook: Skye Summer School/ Book Search/ London Notes/ SPA/ Fred Morrison

It is a pleasant thought these winter days that a few months from now we will be sharing tunes on the isle of Skye. The occasion will be the second Piobaireachd Society Summer School from June 4 to 9th. It’s on Sleat, the Garden of Skye, at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, the Gaelic College, and last year attracted a small but dedicated band of ceòl mòr enthusiasts to whom Jack Taylor…

Editor’s Notebook: British Champs/ Skye 1985/ Jamie’s Tune/ Scott’s Tune/ Queensland Contest/

Time’s getting on. It’s only 15 weeks or so till the scheduled British Championships (May 20) and there is still no confirmation of a venue. I can tell you that as I write the RSPBA are working very hard to get things sorted. They are committed to a championship in some shape or form. As I’ve said before, we cannot afford to lose this major over something as unimportant to…