Editor’s Notebook: Concert Formation/ Col Sutherland Award/ Scots Guards KO/ Florida Games

Not for the first time the Eastern United States Pipe Band Association is showing the way. They have enshrined into ‘law’ that bands competing indoors must do so in concert formation. Their rules now state: ‘When approved by the Executive Committee, a band may form on a stage or field in a semi-circle formation facing the audience. ‘If at all possible, this contest will be held on a stage with…

Kilberry Book of Ceol Meadhonach-‘Middle Music’- Now Available in Digital Format

A digital version of the historic ‘Kilberry Book of Ceòl Meadhonach’ is now available for purchase on Piping Press. First issued in 1909, the book was compiled and edited by Captain John Campbell, Kilberry, and his brother Archibald. The book has 43 tunes each with a note on its provenance. The music is neither piobaireachd nor simple slow march but somewhere between both – hence the title. The tunes are…

Bob Hain Funeral: Correction

Bob’s funeral is on January 16th at 2.15pm at Kirkcaldy Crematorium, Fife. Please ignore information in earlier post saying it was on Jan 17 at 11am. Our correspondent was misinformed. Apologies for any inconvenience. Piping Press

Editor’s Notebook: Inveraray Outstanding in 2024/ PS Summer School/ Bob’s Funeral/ Aberdeen Piping Society/ Ken’s Pipes

Looking back over the past 12 months it is hard to escape from the fact that the outstanding pipers and band of 2024 are Stuart Liddell, Alasdair Henderson and Inveraray. Coupling success on the band field with that on the solo board is rare, yet only a few days after winning their third World Championships P/M Liddell and P/Sgt Henderson were excelling at the highest level taking major awards at…

Editor’s Notebook: RSPBA Majors/ Brittany/ Angus Recital/ Scots College/ NZ Drums

I understand an announcement on the fifth major pipe band championship is imminent. The smart money is on the town of Dumfries and the month June. All unconfirmed of course. Ulster bands, none too happy with the 2025 UKs being on the 12th of July (Ingliston), can be cheered – a ferry hop to Stranraer and a drive along the A75 will bring them to the 2025 British Pipe Band…