This games (Sept 10) has now superseded Pitlochry as the last Highland games of the Scottish season. The weather was dry and settled. Piping organiser Greig Canning writes: The games were started by local man Don Campbell (the handicapper for many a games on the circuit) and I added some open piping events in 2022.
This year was the first we’ve had junior piping. Lochgelly High School pipe band marched down the Main Street and into the games field and officially opened the games with Provost Jim Leishman in attendance.
Above we have a picture of the senior winners, Peter McCalister with the P/M J Herd Memorial Trophy (kindly donated to the games by P/M Jimmy Banks), and Hector Munro with the P/M Chris Sutherland Memorial Trophy (Chris was Pipe Major of Bowhill and District when they won ‘the Worlds’ in 1947). Results from Bowhill Highland Games, Cardenden, Fife, were as follows:
Junior Piob (8 played): 1 Finlay Peden 2 Kenzie Philliban 3 Ryan McCreadie
U15 March (15 played): 1 Kai Hay 2 Charlie Mack 3 Joseph Townsley
U15 S&R (10 played): 1 Kai Hay 2 Fergus Beattie 3 Own McCreadie
U18 MSR (6 played): 1 Finlay Peden 2 Ewen Allen 3 Ryan McCreadie
Open Piobaireachd (12 played):
1 Peter McCalister, Lament for the Dead
2 John Dew, Fair Honey
3 Angus MacPhee, Red Speckled Bull
4 Brian Lamond, Earl of Seaforth’s Salute

Open MSR (16 played):
1 Hector Munro
2 Angus MacPhee
3 John Dew
4 Brian Lamond
Open Jig (16 played), one prize: Angus MacPhee
Judges: C Drummond, A Henderson, I Simpson, G Wilson (all senior competing pipers).