This competition was held yesterday in the Piping Centre in Glasgow. Overall winner was Bruce Gandy (pictured) who now qualifies to play at the Glenfiddich in October.
Twenty-five entered the light music and 20 the piobaireachd. The competition is only open to Gold Medallists and winners of ‘A’ grade light music events at Oban and Inverness. Pipers were notified of their tunes a week beforehand.
1 Bruce Gandy, Unjust Incarceration
2 Callum Beaumont, Phantom Piper of the Corrieyairick
3 Finlay Johnston, My Dearest on Earth Give Me Your Kiss
4 Angus MacColl, Phantom Piper of the Corrieyairick
5 Roderick MacLeod, Lament for Donald Duaghal MacKay
1 Alasdair Henderson
2 William McCallum
3 Sarah Muir
4 Cameron Drummond
5 Ben Duncan
Judges: M Henderson, P Henderson, M McRae, J Wilson, R Worrall
Competitors and tunes in the Piobaireachd:
1 Craig Sutherland – Nameless Cherede Darieva
2 Fred Morrison – Lament for Patrick Og
3 Donald MacPhee – Red Speckled Bull
4 Peter McCallister – Lament for the Only Son
5 Glenn Brown – Laird of Anapool’s Lament
6 Nick Hudson – Daughter’s Lament
7 Jack Lee – McLeod of Colbeck’s Lament
8 Alan Bevan – In Praise of Morag
9 Finlay Johnston – My Dearest on earth give me your kiss
10 Ian K MacDonald – Mary’s Praise
11 Roddy MacLeod – Lament for Donald Doughal MacKay
12 Brian Donaldson – Bells of Perth
13 Angus D MacColl –Phantom Piper of Corrieyairack
14 Alasdair Henderson – Battle of Waternish
15 Iain Speirs – Colin Roy MacKenzie’s Lament
16 Connor Sinclair – Nameless Cherede Darieva
17 Jamie Forrester – MacIntosh of Borlum’s Salute
18 Willie McCallum – Lament for the Earl of Antrim
19 Bruce Gandy – Unjust Incarceration
20 Callum Beaumont – Phantom Piper of Corrieyairick