A pleasant, warm day for this small games in the north-east held last Saturday, 10th June. The venue was Castle Lodge Field, Cockbridge, at the head of Strathdon, Aberdeenshire. Champion Piper John MacDonald is pictured with his trophies and other prizewinners.
During the day the crowd was entertained by the Lonach Highlanders and their pipes and drums.
1. John McDonald – I Got a Kiss of the King’s Hand
2. Michael Laing – Massacre of Glencoe
3. Jeffrey Lawson – The Boat Tune

1. John McDonald
2. Jeffrey Lawson
3. Michael Laing
Strathspey & Reel
1. Jeffrey Lawson
2. John McDonald
3. Michael Laing

6/8 March
1. John McDonald
2. Michael Laing
3. Jeffrey Lawson
1. John McDonald
2. Jeffrey Lawson
3. Michael Laing
Overall Champion Piper: John McDonald; Judge: L Barclay.