This Sunday, May 28, sees the Blair Atholl Gathering with more than 60 solo pipers, junior and senior, scheduled to compete.
In the Seniors there are graded contests for piobaireachd. Light music events for March, Strathspey and Reel and Hornpipe & Jig are open competitions.
Such are the numbers that the ceol beag will be split into four heats with judges selecting four in each category to go forward to a final.
Each heat will be judged by a single adjudicator, but judges will come together for the MSR and H&J finals, two to each bench. Heats are seeded to ensure a spread of grades.
Three tunes are asked for in all events except H&J and Juniors which are own choice, however H&J finalists must play a different set in the final.
Chief Steward Angus Clarke has announced the following playing orders:
P/A Piobaireachd
D Urquhart
C Watson
S Muir
AD MacColl
R MacLeod
C Muirhead
AJ MacColl
P McCalister
C Sutherland
C Brown
J Forrester
B Duncan
S Cameron
S Leask
B Piobaireachd
J McPetrie
A MacPhee
M Fitzhenry
J McElmurry
A Ferguson
E Dewar
G Barclay
K Coyle
C May
B Watson-Massey
C Wynd
B Mulhearn
D Nevans
E Gaul
A Hall
B Allan
J McDonald
F Allison
A Smart
C Ross
C Piobaireachd
T Kiloran
C McLeish
C Kaye
S McKay
G McCulloch
D Johnstone
G MacIver
S Robinson
J Esson
M Jeffrey
L McElhinney
K Bowes
A Bell
K Shead
C Dunbar
H Munro
J Lawson
E Livingstone
O Muir
C MacLeod
C McKillop
C O’Neill
A Brown
S Scott
Ceòl Beag
Heat 1
H Munro
C MacLeod
K Shead
K Coyle
C Brown
S Leask
A Bell
D Urquhart
B Allan
J Esson
S McKay
C Ross
J McElmurry
T Kiloran
AJ MacColl
Heat 2
J Lawson
C May
C O’Neill
A Smart
S Cameron
R MacLeod
C McKillop
A Hall
E Dewar
C Watson
K Bowes
J McPetrie
M Jeffrey

Heat 3
B Duncan
E Livingstone, MSR only
B Watson-Massey
C Muirhead
R Black
A Brown, MSR only
K Howie
F Allison
D Johnstone
G McCulloch
E Gaul
C McLeish
A Ferguson
A MacPhee
S Muir
Heat 4
J Forrester
O Muir
S Scott, MSR only
C Dunbar
G Jackson
C Wynd
D Nevans
L McElhinney
C Sutherland
G MacIver, MSR only
J MacDonald, MSR only
M Fitzhenry
AD MacColl
C Kaye
Piping Convenor Dr Jack Taylor has invited the following judges: C Armstrong, R Barnes, R Clarke, I Duncan, D Fraser, M Henderson, P Henderson, P Hunt, R MacShannon, W Morrison, R Wallace, J Wilson.
Junior Draw
J Silcock
J Fraser
G Kelman
R Cairns
R Menzies
L Rennie
A Green
C Erskine
L Munro
R Menzies
A Leonard
A Green
C Erskine
G Kelman
J Silcock
J Fraser
R Cairns
A Green
L Rennie
L Munro
R Cairns
J Fraser
C Erskine
R Menzies
A Leonard
J Silcock
G Kelman
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