The Glenfiddich Champion for 2022 is William McCallum. He was placed third in ceòl mòr and first in light music to take the overall title.
Piobaireachd placings:
1 Callum Beaumont, Lament for the Earl of Antrim
2 Fred Morrison, End of the Great Bridge
3 William McCallum, Lachlan MacNeill Campbell of Kintarbert’s Fancy
4 Angus D. MacColl, Nameless, Cherede Darievea
5 Glenn Brown, Rory MacLeod’s Lament
MSR placings:
1 William McCallum, Crags of Stirling, Susan MacLeod, Roddy MacDonald’s Fancy
2 Connor Sinclair, David Ross, Rosehall, Lady Louden, Drumlithie
3 Angus MacColl, Arthur Bignold of Lochrosque, Shepherd’s Crook, Rejected Suitor
4 Alex Gandy, Dr. Allan MacDonald, John Roy Stewart, Alex C. MacGregor
5 Fred Morrison, Jeannie Carruthers, Tulloch Gorm, Sheepwife
The judges were:
Piobaireachd: M Henderson, A MacDonald, R MacShannon
March, Strathspey and Reel: I Duncan, S Samson, J Wilson
Great playing, superb venue BUT by my estimate nearly 20% of the time the competitors were on the boards was devoted to tuning.