Thirteen pipers played on a cold and blustery day alternating with glorious sunshine. Rain stayed off for the most part. The spectacular scenery complimented the music with many tourists enjoying the occasion.
1 Sandy Cameron
2 Eireann Ianetta-Mackay
3 Finlay Cameron

1 Finlay Cameron
2 Sandy Cameron
3 Callum Wynd
Strathspey & Reel:
1 Jacob Dicker
2 Finlay Cameron
3 Sandy Cameron

Open Piob. Under 17: 1 Hector Finlayson 2 Liam Nicolson 3 Arran Green
Open March Under 17: 1 Arran Green 2 Hector Finlayson 3 Liam Nicolson
Open S&R Under 17: 1 Liam Nicolson 2 Arran Green 3 Hector Finlayson
Unfortunately there were no entries in the local competitions.
Judges: A MacDonald, I MacFadyen