The Northern Meeting piping competitions, to be held in Inverness on September 1 and 2, have released the draws for their junior and senior competitions.
Scroll through the panel below to view them or download by using the arrows top right:
was launched in 2014 and is a free, independent, not for profit web magazine with news, views, features and information from the piping and pipe band worlds. Email your news to editor@pipingpress.com or text 07957818672. Opinions expressed are those of the writer.
Hi Aad ,
No bother , it was 1997-2000.
Hi DJ,
I have added your name to my list. I would be happy to send you a copy if you are interested; would just need your email address. If you are on facebook you can send me a fb message.
No bother, i will find you on fb. π
Who is this Pipe Major D J MacIntyre on the left on the photo?
Pipe Major Donald John MacIntyre Queens Own Highlanders, from South Uist.
Do you know when (year from-to) he was P/M of the Queen’s Own Highlanders and which battalion? Thanks, Aad
Hi Aad,
DJ as he was commonly known in the battalion when I was P/ Sgt, was never P/M of the battalion.
There was only one battalion of the Queen’s Own Highlanders(Seaforth and Cameron’s)
As far as I know, I left the battalion in 1989, he was P/M of one of the subsidiary appointments available to the battalion, I’m not sure which one.
He was latterly P/M of the regimental Association pipes and drums as I myself was from 2012-2017. We both still play together in the association band. Next time I see him I find out where his appointment was.
Hi John,
Thank you for your reaction. Would be nice if you could find out more about DJ as P/M.
I know that the regiment had only one regular battalion, but I have John Riach listed as P/M of the 3rd Bn 1967-68, that must have been a TA battalion.
Hi Aad,
I was Pipe Major at the Army Apprentices College,Arborfield.
Hi Donald,
I am compiling a list of Pipe Majors of military Pipes & Drums worldwide.
When (year from-to) were you Pipe Major at Arborfield? I would like to add you to my list.
Thanks and regards