Tom’s family have issued the following:
Funeral arrangements for Tom have been confirmed.
It will be 11.30 on Wednesday, 13th February, at Clydebank Crematorium.
We will be going on afterwards for a shindig (still hammering out those details between us so I’ll confirm where when I know).

We encourage anyone with pipes, fiddles, drums, tin whistles, guitars – whatever you have to bring them along.
Dad’s life was his pipes and music and I think the most fitting send off would be a lot of music, ridiculous stories and lots of laughs.
If anyone from the Aberfoyle area is struggling for transport, please let us know. We were thinking, if there’s enough need, of organising a bus from the village.
Looking forward to seeing anyone and everyone and hearing the stories you may have.
Cheers, Morven Dingwall (daughter no 2), Katriona Fraser, Tam Ross