U&B Piping Convenor, Gold Medallist John Angus Smith, said: ‘The Glasgow Uist & Barra Association is delighted once more to present a line-up of top class pipers for our annual competition.’
‘Monthly meetings were being organised and held in the Waterloo Rooms in Glasgow. Constitution and Rules were drawn up, and memberships were introduced. Annual Gatherings in the form of concerts and ceilidh dances were commenced. It is noted that at one of the Gatherings there were 700 to 800 people present. The support was admirable. It became apparent that apart from providing financial support to those in great need other aims and objectives were considered. The Gaelic language and culture had to be up held and kept alive and functional in the city of Glasgow.

‘It had its successes and failures through the world wars beginning with the Boer war then the 1st and 2nd World Wars, it is remarkable how they overcame hardship all through these years and persevered in maintaining a social life. In 1944 Glasgow Uist and Barra Piping Competition was formed. It is now one of the most prestigious competition in the piping calendar, and is held annually in March.
‘In 1952 the Association Crest was compiled and accepted. It was to be used on all paper work pertaining to the Association and this practice continues to the present day.’
• More to follow on the Uist & Barra later.
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